After picking up our car in Duluth Airport (and taking it for a few testdrives in the parking lot) we headed towards Duluth to see the town and to take a walk in the Leif Erikson Park, which is located on the bank of Lake Superior.
We had a nice stroll in the park and afterwards we drove towards Hill City and the Villebro-farm.
We had a short break for lunch in a small cafe in Floodwood, and shortly after that we arrived at the Farm, where we were well received by George and his daughter-in-law Andy.
George showed us our room at his place.
After we got settled in, George had found an old LP-record with recordings of birthday and holiday wishes, that was send from the Danish family, to Rasmus and Bertha for Bertha’s 60th birthday.
Unfortunately Georges record player didn’t work so well, so we got to hear the voices in a little to high speed.
We had dinner at Steve and Andy’s place with their three children, Tiffany, Josh and Stacey alongside Stacey’s husband Adam and their three children and Tiffany’s two daughters as well.
After dinner we went to the local High School, to play some volleyball. We played for about an hour and a half together with Tiffany, Josh, Adam, Stacey and Andy and their friends. After the games we went to Harry’s Bar for a couple of beers.
Efter vi hentede vores lejebil i Duluth Lufthavn (og lige havde kørt et par prøverunder på parkeringspladsen ved lufthavnen) kørte vi mod Duluth for at se byen og gå en tur i Leif Erikson-parken, som ligger ned til Lake Superior.
Efter en god gåtur i parken, kørte vi endelig mod Hill City og Villebro-farmen.
Efter et kort frokoststop i Floodwood, ankom vi til farmen, hvor vi blev modtaget af George og hans svigerdatter Andy
Vi blev vist indenfor hos George, hvor vi skulle overnatte.
Efter vi havde fundet os til rette, spillede George en LP for os, som Bertha og Rasmus havde fået tilsendt til Berthas 60 års fødselsdag, med lydoptagelser af lykønskninger fra familien, bl.a. fra Sigrid og Bernt samt de små knægte Holger og Gunnar i baggrunden. Desværre virkede Georges pladespiller ikke helt så godt, og vi måtte høre stemmerne i lidt for højt tempo.
Om aftenen spiste vi middag hos Georges søn Steve og svigerdatter Andy og deres tre børn, Tiffany, Josh og Stacey, samt Tiffanys og Staceys børn og Staceys mand Adam.
Efter middagen blev vi inviteret med til onsdags-volleyball på den lokale High school. Der spillede vi i godt halvanden time med Tiffany, Josh, Adam, Stacey og Andy og deres venner. Efter kampene tog vi på Harry’s Bar i byen og fik nogle øl med de andre.