San Francisco

Saturday morning we headed towards our last stop on the trip – San Francisco. We are going to stay here for 3 days, and then we are going back to Denmark Tuesday afternoon.

We didn’t do much today, other than driving. Unfortunately we weren’t prepared for ‘cash-only’ on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, so we got a sour puss and a ticket from the lady in the booth…

I was a little tired from the drive, and Kasper wanted to watch the Anaheim Ducks vs The Chicago Blackhawks play in the Stanley Cup, so today we have only been out in the city, to get something to eat. We went to ‘Super Duper Burgers’, which was a delicious experience. A little greasy though 🙂

For the last few days, we will go to Fisherman’s Wharf, The Painted Ladies, see the Golden Gate and all that stuff you have to do while in SF.


Lørdag formiddag kørte vi mod det sidste stop pÃ¥ vores tur – San Francisco. Vi har tre dage her inden vi flyver tilbage til København tirsdag eftermiddag.

Vi har ikke lavet sÃ¥ meget idag, andet end at køre. Og desværre var vi ikke forberedt pÃ¥, at vi kun kunne betale med kontanter pÃ¥ San Francisco-Oakland Bay broen, sÃ¥ damen i buret surmulede og gav os en bøde…..

Jeg var lidt træt efter køreturen og Kasper fandt en Stanley Cup ishockeykamp ml Anaheim Ducks og Chicago Blackhawks i TV, sÃ¥ vi har kun været ude i byen for at fÃ¥ lidt at spise idag. Vi var pÃ¥ ‘Super Duper Burgers’, som var virkelig lækkert. Men ogsÃ¥ ret fedtet 🙂

Inden vi tager hjem skal vi en tur til Fisherman’s Wharf, The Painted Ladies, Golden Gate og alt det andet turist-halløj man bør gøre nÃ¥r man er i SF.



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