After an actual travel time of 17 hours we finally arrived at our little inn in Chicago, where we will stay for the night. In the morning we will be flying onwards to Duluth, where we will rent our car.
The trip went well as we started out flying with British Airways from Copenhagen to London, Heathrow. From Heathrow we travelled with American Airlines in an older Boeing 767-300. After nine hours with only a little turbulence we had touchdown at O’Hare in Chicago.
Above you can see some pictures from the flight.
Efter en aktuel rejsetid på 17 timer er vi endelig kommet frem til vores inn i Chicago, hvor vi skal overnatte. I morgen tidlig flyver vi til Duluth, hvor vi lejer bilen for resten af turen.
Flyveturen gik godt. Vi startede med at flyve fra København til Heathrow i London. Herfra skiftede vi til en ældre Boeing 767-300 fra American Airlines. Efter ni timer med kun en smule turbulens landede vi i O’Hare i Chicago.
Øverst kan i se lidt billeder fra flyveturen.