Highway 1

Monday morning we left Pismo Beach and went up the Highway 1 also known as Pacific Coast Highway. This highway is so beautiful and scenic, and we were amazed with the view.

We stopped in a couple of times to take pictures and to see the elephant seals in Piedras Blancas. That was an absolutely amazing sight. Hundreds of big elephant seals, some lying around on the beach, some playing/fighting and others swimming in the water.

For lunch we went to a small cafe in the hills, called Whale Watcher’s Cafe, because it had an amazing view of the ocean. Unfortunately it didn’t really live up to the name – we didn’t see any whales. 🙁

We drove further up the coast and arrived in Monterey in the early afternoon. We met up with David, Bree and their beautiful daughter, Charlotte, at their place, which is just up the road from Tove. Tove came by later to say hi and in the evening we went out for dinner with David, Charlotte and Bree.


Mandag morgen forlod vi Pismo Beach og kørte op af Highway 1 også kendt som Pacific Coast Highway. Det er en virkelig flot rute, med masser af smukke steder og vi var helt overvældede over udsigten.

Vi stoppede et par gange langs kysten for at tage billeder og for at se elefantsæler i Piedras Blancas. Det var et helt fantastisk syn. Der var hundreder af store sæler, nogle lå bare på stranden, nogle legede/sloges og andre svømmede rundt i vandet.

Til frokost tog vi ind på en lille cafe, som hed Whale Watcher’s Cafe (Hval-kiggernes cafe), på grund af dens fantastiske udsigt over havet. Desværre kunne den ikke helt leve op til sit navn – vi så i hvert fald ingen hvaler den dag. 🙁

Vi fortsatte længere op ad kysten og ankom i Monterey tidligt på eftermiddagen. Vi mødtes med David, Bree og deres skønne datter, Charlotte, i deres hjem, som er lige rundt om hjørnet fra Tove. Tove kom forbi lidt senere og hilste på og om aftenen tog vi ud at spise med David, Bree og Charlotte.



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